Are you celibate?

Friday, March 14, 2008


Welcome! Like that fabulous grrl The Statue of Liberty says, "'give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." We just wanted to add: give us your curiousity!

We're here to talk sex and sexuality in a safe, anonymous environment that empahsizes open, honest communication. As part of our mission, we want to bring to light all kinds of sex: outdoor sex, masturbation, SM (that's slang for "sadomasochism"), and, yes, even virginity! This blog and our associated event, "I don't have a F*cking Clue: A Sex Fest at William and Mary" aims at deconstructing oppressive powers that silence YOU talking about the fun stuff YOU do behind closed doors (and sometimes out on the grass). By encouraging communication, we hope to challenge an oppressive power imbalance and shift "traditional" understandings of sexuality to include things people think aren't normal. Trust us, there's a lot out that ain't so "normal."

Send us your questions via our E-Mail address: And we'll answer 'em. We look forward to hearing from you.

Much love, health, and orgasms,

Your SexFest Organizers