Are you celibate?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

No Butt's About It

Wrap your minds around this: Is anal sex, sex?  

Is sex limited to vaginal intercourse?  If not, is anal sex a legitimate way to abstain?  What separates a virgin from a non-virgin?  Why exactly does or doesn't anal sex "count"?  If anal sex isn't "sex" then is it just foreplay?  What type of person has anal sex?  What type of couple has anal sex?  Let me know what you think! 

1 comment:

Kim L. said...

many people try to consider virginity by the breaking of a woman's hymen, but what does that mean for men? what exactly does virginity mean? different things for different people.
i think sex should be considered as any sexual stimulation, from masturbation to penetrative intercourse. obviously, this includes anal sex.

i have never tried anal sex, regrettably. but i think there's a lot of fear that creates stigma around the act. in my mind, anal sex should be like all of the other sex positions partners engage in. with proper communication and openness, it could be an interesting experiment or a hot new position to work into a couple's repertoire.